
Every system-administrator, system-engineer, programmer or internet user has experienced it. You search and search for a good tutorial, look on many sites, to end up spending more time browsing than programming or do administrator tasks. In fact, most of the sites you end up with are not even about the topic you are searching for. And before you know it, you have spent a whole night browsing and end up with nothing!

This site is dedicated to several topics of Linux Server Administration, where the focus is on administration tasks on Red Hat bases systems (CentOS, Fedora, Scientific linux). Our goal is to create a site with lots of handy tutorials that will cover allot of topics from A to Z. In the hope that you don’t have to search any more and can come to this site when you need a specific tutorial on Linux Server Administration.

If you like to contribute to this initiative you can send your tutorial to us. We hope that you will share your knowledge with the rest of the world.

We hope you enjoy the tutorials!

Best Regards,

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